

Symbol, Chemistry.

  1. cerium.

  1. buyer’s risk.

  1. compass error.

  1. Chemical Engineer.
  2. chief engineer.
  3. Church of England.
  4. Civil Engineer.
  5. (in the) Common Era.
  6. Corps of Engineers.

  1. a multiplicative suffix occurring in once, twice, thrice.

the chemical symbol for

  1. cerium

abbreviation for

  1. chief engineer
  2. Church of England
  3. civil engineer
  4. Common Entrance
  5. Common Era
  6. Communauté Européenne (European Union)

as an abbreviation for “Common Era” or “Christian Era,” and a non-Christian alternative to A.D., attested from 1838 in works on Jewish history. Companion B.C.E. is attested from 1881.

  1. The symbol for the elementcerium

  1. The symbol for cerium.

  1. Abbreviation for Common Era.


  1. A shiny, gray metallic element of the lanthanide series. It is ductile and malleable and is used in electronic components, alloys, and lighter flints. It is also used in glass polishing, as a catalyst in self-cleaning ovens, and in various nuclear applications. Atomic number 58; atomic weight 140.12; melting point 795°C; boiling point 3,468°C; specific gravity 6.67 to 8.23; valence 3, 4. See Periodic Table.
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