


  1. of or relating to pants: pant cuffs.


  1. pant leg.
  2. pants(defs 1, 2).


  1. to breathe with noisy deep gasps, as when out of breath from exertion or excitement
  2. to say (something) while breathing thus
  3. (intr often foll by for) to have a frantic desire (for); yearn
  4. (intr) to pulsate; throb rapidly


  1. the act or an instance of panting
  2. a short deep gasping noise; puff

v.mid-15c., perhaps a shortening of Old French pantaisier “gasp, puff, pant, be out of breath, be in distress” (12c.), probably from Vulgar Latin *pantasiare “be oppressed with a nightmare, struggle for breathing during a nightmare,” literally “to have visions,” from Greek phantasioun “have or form images, subject to hallucinations,” from phantasia “appearance, image, fantasy” (see phantasm). Related: Panted; panting. n.“a gasping breath,” c.1500, from pant (v.). v.

  1. To breathe rapidly and shallowly.
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