


  1. nit; nits.

Symbol, Chemistry.

  1. niton.

  1. New Testament.
  2. Northwest Territories, Canada (approved for postal use).

  1. a contraction of not: didn’t; hadn’t; couldn’t; shouldn’t; won’t; mustn’t.

  1. New Testament.
  2. Northern Territory.

abbreviation for

  1. National Trust
  2. New Testament
  3. Northern Territory (of Australia)
  4. (esp in postal addresses) Northwest Territories (of Australia)
  5. (esp in postal addresses) Nunavut
  6. no-trump
  7. (in Ireland) National Teacher (teacher in a National School)

contraction of

  1. not: used as an enclitic after be and have when they function as main verbs and after auxiliary verbs or verbs operating syntactically as auxiliariescan’t; don’t; shouldn’t; needn’t; daren’t; isn’t
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