

noun, plural Sem·i·noles, (especially collectively) Sem·i·nole.

  1. a member of any of several groupings of North American Indians comprising emigrants from the Creek Confederacy territories to Florida or their descendants in Florida and Oklahoma, especially the culturally conservative present-day Florida Indians.
  2. either of the Muskogean languages spoken by the Seminoles, comprising Mikasuki and the Florida or Seminole dialect of Creek.


  1. of or relating to the Seminoles or their languages.


  1. plural -noles or -nole a member of a North American Indian people consisting of Creeks who moved into Florida in the 18th century
  2. the language of this people, belonging to the Muskhogean family

n.1763, from Creek (Muskogean) simano:li, earlier simalo:ni “wild, untamed, runaway,” from American Spanish cimarron (see maroon (v.)). They fought ward against U.S. troops 1817-18 and 1835-42, after which they largely were removed to Indian Territory (Oklahoma).

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