


  1. economical management; economy; frugality.
  2. Also called thrift institution. Banking. a savings and loan association, savings bank, or credit union.
  3. Also called sea pink. any alpine and maritime plant belonging to the genus Armeria, of the leadwort family, having pink or white flowers, especially A. maritima, noted for its vigorous growth.
  4. any of various allied plants.
  5. vigorous growth, as of a plant.
  6. Obsolete. prosperity.


  1. wisdom and caution in the management of money
  2. Also called: sea pink any of numerous perennial plumbaginaceous low-growing plants of the genus Armeria, esp A. maritima, of Europe, W Asia, and North America, having narrow leaves and round heads of pink or white flowers
  3. rare vigorous thriving or growth, as of a plant
  4. US a building society, savings bank, or credit union
  5. an obsolete word for prosperity

n.c.1300, “fact or condition of thriving,” also “prosperity, savings,” from Middle English thriven “to thrive” (see thrive), possibly influenced by Old Norse þrift, variant of þrif “prosperity,” from þrifask “to thrive.” Sense of “habit of saving, economy” first recorded 1550s (thrifty in this sense is recorded from 1520s; also see spendthrift). Thrift shop attested by 1919.

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