

asse [as] Examples noun

  1. Cape fox.

Examples from the Web for asse Historical Examples of asse

  • For he thoughte the saddell had be lefte of the asse, as bones are of fleshe.

    Shakespeare Jest-Books;


  • He asked euery body that he met, if they sawe an asse straye alone.

    Shakespeare Jest-Books;


  • Perchaunce, the fyrste that he mette was a man dryuynge an asse before hym.

    Shakespeare Jest-Books;


  • I have nothing, good Lady, but empty bottles; says the asse.

    The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman

    Laurence Sterne

  • For what can be more acceptable than this Asse of Gold indeed.

    The Golden Asse

    Lucius Apuleius

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