

  1. favoring or supporting Jim Crow.
  2. for black people only: a Jim-Crow school.


  1. a practice or policy of segregating or discriminating against black people, as in public places, public vehicles, or employment.
  2. Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a black person.

noun (often capitals) US

    1. the policy or practice of segregating Black people
    2. (as modifier)jim-crow laws
    1. a derogatory term for a Black person
    2. (as modifier)a jim-crow saloon
  1. an implement for bending iron bars or rails
  2. a crowbar fitted with a claw

“black person,” 1838, American English, originally the name of a black minstrel character in a popular song-and-dance act by T.D. Rice (1808-1860) that debuted 1828 and attained national popularity by 1832:

Wheel about, an’ turn about, an’ do jis so;
Eb’ry time I wheel about, I jump Jim Crow.

Where and how Rice got it, or wrote it, is a mystery. Even before that, crow (n.) had been a derogatory term for a black man. Association with segregation dates from 1842, in reference to a railroad car for blacks. Modern use as a type of racial discrimination is from 1943. In mid-19c., Jim Crow also could be a reference to someone’s change of (political) principles (from the “jump” in the song).

A descriptive term for the segregation of institutions, businesses, hotels, restaurants, and the like. It also refers to the laws that required racial segregation.

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