

homologate [huh-mol-uh-geyt, hoh-] Word Origin verb (used with object), ho·mol·o·gat·ed, ho·mol·o·gat·ing.

  1. to approve; confirm or ratify.
  2. to register (a specific make of automobile in general production) so as to make it eligible for international racing competition.

Origin of homologate 1635–45; Medieval Latin homologātus (past participle of homologāre Greek homologeîn to agree to, allow); see -ate1 Related formsho·mol·o·ga·tion, noun British Dictionary definitions for homologate homologate verb (tr)

  1. mainly Scots law to approve or ratify (a deed or contract, esp one that is defective)
  2. law to confirm (a proceeding, etc)
  3. to recognize (a particular type of car or car component) as a production model or component rather than a prototype, as in making it eligible for a motor race

Derived Formshomologation, nounWord Origin for homologate C17: from Medieval Latin homologāre to agree, from Greek homologein to approve, from homologos agreeing, from homo- + legein to speak

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