

trepang [trih-pang] ExamplesWord Origin noun

  1. any of various holothurians or sea cucumbers, as Holothuria edulis, used as food in China.

Origin of trepang 1775–85; Malay təripaŋ (spelling teripang) Examples from the Web for trepang Historical Examples of trepang

  • The trepang is a sort of sea-slug, which is dried and used by the Chinese to make soup.

    Mark Seaworth

    William H.G. Kingston

  • The trepang is now placed upon hurdles and dried in the sun.

    The Ocean World:

    Louis Figuier

  • Thousands of junks are annually equipped for the Trepang fisheries.

    The Ocean World:

    Louis Figuier

  • A small English company is engaged in the industry of trepang fishing.

    Germany’s Vanishing Colonies

    Gordon Le Sueur

  • Turtles, trepang and pearl-shell are of some commercial importance.

    Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Slice 3


  • British Dictionary definitions for trepangtrepang noun

    1. any of various large sea cucumbers of tropical Oriental seas, the body walls of which are used as food by the Japanese and ChineseAlso called: bêche-de-mer

    Word Origin for trepang C18: from Malay těripang Others Are Reading

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