
noun Pathology.

  1. a contagious skin disease, especially of children, usually caused by streptococcal bacteria, marked by a superficial pustular eruption, particularly on the face.


  1. a contagious bacterial skin disease characterized by the formation of pustules that develop into yellowish crusty sores

pustular disease of the skin, late 14c., from Latin impetigo “skin eruption,” from impetere “to attackâ” (see impetus). Related: Impetiginous.


  1. Of or relating to impetigo.

n. pl. im•pe•ti•gos

  1. A contagious skin infection caused by staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria and characterized by the eruption of superficial pustules that rupture and form thick yellow crusts, usually on the face; it is most commonly seen in children.impetigo contagiosa impetigo vulgaris

  1. A contagious skin infection caused by staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria and seen most commonly in children. Impetigo is characterized by superficial pustules that rupture and form thick yellow crusts, usually on the face.
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