
verb (used with object), blabbed, blab·bing.

  1. to reveal indiscreetly and thoughtlessly: They blabbed my confidences to everyone.

verb (used without object), blabbed, blab·bing.

  1. to talk or chatter indiscreetly or thoughtlessly: Don’t confide in him, because he blabs. She blabbed so much I couldn’t hear the concert.


  1. idle, indiscreet chattering.
  2. a person who blabs; blabbermouth.

verb blabs, blabbing or blabbed

  1. to divulge (secrets) indiscreetly
  2. (intr) to chatter thoughtlessly; prattle


  1. a less common word for blabber (def. 1), blabber (def. 2)

mid-15c., apparently from Middle English noun blabbe “one who does not control his tongue” (late 13c.), probably echoic. Related: Blabbed; blabbing. The exact relationship between the blabs and blabber is difficult to determine. The noun was “[e]xceedingly common in 16th and 17th c.; unusual in literature since c 1750″ [OED].

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