


  1. the first of the great Biblical patriarchs, father of Isaac, and traditional founder of the ancient Hebrew nation: considered by Muslims an ancestor of the Arab peoples through his son Ishmael.
  2. a male given name: from a Hebrew word meaning “father of many.”


  1. Old Testament the first of the patriarchs, the father of Isaac and the founder of the Hebrew people (Genesis 11–25)
  2. Abraham’s bosom the place where the just repose after death (Luke 16:22)

masc. proper name, name of the first of the patriarchs in the Old Testament, from Hebrew Abraham “father of a multitude,” from abh “father” + *raham (cognate with Arabic ruham “multitude”); the name he altered from Abram “high father,” from second element ram “high, exalted.” Related: Abrahamic.

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