


  1. sourness, with roughness or astringency of taste.
  2. harshness or severity, as of temper or expression.

noun plural -ties

  1. vitriolic or embittered speech, temper, etc
  2. sourness or bitterness of taste

1570s, from Middle French acerbité, from Latin acerbitatem (nominative acerbitas) “harshness, sharpness, bitterness,” from acerbus “bitter to taste, sharp, sour, tart” (related to acer “sharp;” cf. Latin superbus “haughty,” from super “above”), from Proto-Italic *akro-po- “sharp,” from PIE *ak- “sharp” (see acrid). Earliest use in English is figurative, of “sharp and bitter” persons. Of tastes, from 1610s.

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