


  1. a series of lines or verses in which the first, last, or other particular letters when taken in order spell out a word, phrase, etc.


  1. Also a·cros·ti·cal. of, like, or forming an acrostic.


    1. a number of lines of writing, such as a poem, certain letters of which form a word, proverb, etc. A single acrostic is formed by the initial letters of the lines, a double acrostic by the initial and final letters, and a triple acrostic by the initial, middle, and final letters
    2. the word, proverb, etc, so formed
    3. (as modifier)an acrostic sonnet

short poem in which the initial letters of the lines, taken in order, spell a word or phrase, 1580s, from Medieval Latin acrostichis, from Greek akrostikhis, from akros “at the end, outermost” (see acrid) + stikhos “line of verse,” literally “row” (see stair).

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