

verb (used without object), a·greed, a·gree·ing.

  1. to have the same views, emotions, etc.; harmonize in opinion or feeling (often followed by with): I don’t agree with you.
  2. to give consent; assent (often followed by to): He agreed to accompany the ambassador. Do you agree to the conditions?
  3. to live in concord or without contention; get along together.
  4. to come to one opinion or mind; come to an arrangement or understanding; arrive at a settlement: They have agreed on the terms of surrender.
  5. to be consistent; harmonize (usually followed by with): This story agrees with hers.
  6. to correspond; conform; resemble (usually followed by with): The play does not agree with the book.
  7. to be suitable; comply with a preference or an ability to digest (usually followed by with): The food did not agree with me.
  8. Grammar. to correspond in inflectional form, as in number, case, gender, or person; to show agreement. In The boy runs, boy is a singular noun and runs agrees with it in number.

verb (used with object), a·greed, a·gree·ing.

  1. to concede; grant (usually followed by a noun clause): I agree that he is the ablest of us.
  2. Chiefly British. to consent to or concur with: We agree the stipulations. I must agree your plans.

verb agrees, agreeing or agreed (mainly intr)

  1. (often foll by with) to be of the same opinion; concur
  2. (also tr; when intr, often foll by to; when tr, takes a clause as object or an infinitive) to give assent; consentshe agreed to go home; I’ll agree to that
  3. (also tr; when intr, foll by on or about; when tr, may take a clause as object) to come to terms (about); arrive at a settlement (on)they agreed a price; they agreed on the main points
  4. (foll by with) to be similar or consistent; harmonize; correspond
  5. (foll by with) to be agreeable or suitable (to one’s health, temperament, etc)
  6. (tr; takes a clause as object) to concede or grant; admitthey agreed that the price they were asking was too high
  7. (tr) to make consistent withto agree the balance sheet with the records by making adjustments, writing off, etc
  8. grammar to undergo agreement

late 14c., “to be to one’s liking;” also “to give consent,” from Old French agreer “to receive with favor, take pleasure in” (12c.), from phrase a gré “favorably, of good will,” literally “to (one’s) liking,” from Latin ad “to” (see ad-) + gratum “pleasing,” neuter of gratus (see grace (n.)); the original sense survives best in agreeable. Meaning “to be in harmony in opinions” is from late 15c. Related: Agreed; agreeing.

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