

  1. Also called Great Ajax, Telamonian Ajax. Classical Mythology. a Greek hero in the Trojan War who rescued the body of Achilles and killed himself out of jealousy when Odysseus was awarded the armor of Achilles.
  2. Also called Ajax the Lesser. Classical Mythology. a Locrian king, noted for his fighting during the Trojan War, who was said to have been killed in a shipwreck as punishment for violating a shrine of Athena.
  3. (italics) a tragedy (c440 b.c.) by Sophocles.
  4. a town in S Ontario, in S Canada.

noun Greek myth

  1. the son of Telamon; a Greek hero of the Trojan War who killed himself in vexation when Achilles’ armour was given to Odysseus
  2. called Ajax the Lesser, a Locrian king, a swift-footed Greek hero of the Trojan War

name of two Greek heroes in the Trojan War (Great Ajax, son of Telamon, and Little Ajax, son of Oileus), Latin, from Greek Aias, perhaps originally the name of an earth-god, from aia “earth.” The Elizabethans punned on the name as a jakes “a privy.”

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