
< /hʊˈseɪn/, 1888–1964, Iranian statesman and diplomat: premier in 1951 and from 1955 to 1957.


  1. alanine.

  1. Alabama.

  1. American Library Association.
  2. Associate in Liberal Arts.
  3. Authors League of America.
  4. Automobile Legal Association.

noun plural alae (ˈeɪliː)

  1. zoology a wing or flat winglike process or structure, such as a part of some bones and cartilages
  2. botany a winglike part, such as one of the wings of a sycamore seed or one of the flat petals of a sweet pea flower

abbreviation for

  1. Alabama

n. pl. a•lae (ā′lē)

  1. A winglike or expanded structure or part, such as the external ear.


  1. alanine


  1. Delta-aminolevulinic acid; an intermediate in the biosynthesis of hematin formed from glycine and succinyl-coenzyme A.
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