
plural noun

  1. a mountain range in S Europe, extending from France through Switzerland and Italy into Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia. Highest peak, Mont Blanc, 15,781 feet (4810 meters).


  1. a high mountain.

pl n

  1. a mountain range in S central Europe, extending over 1000 km (650 miles) from the Mediterranean coast of France and NW Italy through Switzerland, N Italy, and Austria to Slovenia. Highest peak: Mont Blanc, 4807 m (15 771 ft)
  2. a range of mountains in the NW quadrant of the moon, which is cut in two by a straight fracture, the Alpine Valley


  1. (in the European Alps) an area of pasture above the valley bottom but below the mountain peaks
  2. a high mountain

abbreviation for

  1. Australian Labor Party

see Alp.


1590s, “any high, snow-capped mountain,” from Alps, from French Alpes, from Latin Alpes “the Alps,” perhaps from altus “high,” or albus “white” or from a Celtic word (according to Servius), or a pre-Indo-European root. Alps, the European mountain range, attested by that name in English from 1550s.

Mountain system of south-central Europe.

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