
noun, plural a·moe·bas, a·moe·bae [uhmee-bee] /əˈmi bi/.

  1. ameba.

noun, plural a·me·bas, a·me·bae [uhmee-bee] /əˈmi bi/.

  1. any of numerous freshwater, marine, or parasitic one-celled protozoa of the order Amoebida, characterized by a granular nucleus surrounded by a jellylike mass of cytoplasm that forms temporary extensions, or pseudopodia, by which the organism moves, engulfs food particles, and forms food vacuoles.
  2. a protozoan of the genus Amoeba, inhabiting bottom vegetation of freshwater ponds and streams: used widely in laboratory studies.

noun plural -bae (-biː) or -bas

  1. any protozoan of the phylum Rhizopoda, esp any of the genus Amoeba, able to change shape because of the movements of cell processes (pseudopodia). They live in fresh water or soil or as parasites in man and animals

noun plural -bae (-biː) or -bas

  1. the usual US spelling of amoeba

1855, from Modern Latin Amoeba, genus name (1841), from Greek amoibe “change,” related to ameibein “to change, exchange,” from PIE *e-meigw-, extended form of root *mei- “to change, go, move” (see mutable). So called for its constantly changing shape. Related: Amoebaean; amoebic.


  1. Variant ofameba

n. pl. a•moe•bas

  1. A genus of protozoa of the class Sarcodina or Rhizopoda.
  2. Any of several genera of protozoa that are parasitic in humans, especially Entamoeba.

n. pl. a•me•bas

  1. A protozoa of the genus Amoeba and of related genera, occurring in soil and water and parasitic in animals.

Plural amoebas amoebae (ə-mē)

  1. Any of various one-celled aquatic or parasitic protozoans of the genus Amoeba or related genera, having no definite form and consisting of a mass of protoplasm containing one or more nuclei surrounded by a flexible outer membrane. Amoebas move by means of pseudopods.

  1. Another spelling of amoeba.

An animal composed of only one cell that has no fixed shape. It is the best known of the single-celled animals, or protozoa.

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