


  1. of, pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of a revolution, or a sudden, complete, or marked change: a revolutionary junta.
  2. radically new or innovative; outside or beyond established procedure, principles, etc.: a revolutionary discovery.
  3. (initial capital letter) of or relating to the American Revolution or to the period contemporaneous with it in U.S. history: Revolutionary heroes; Revolutionary weapons.
  4. revolving.

noun, plural rev·o·lu·tion·ar·ies.

  1. a revolutionist.


  1. mainly US of or relating to the conflict or period of the War of American Independence (1775–83)
  2. of or relating to any of various other Revolutions, esp the Russian Revolution (1917) or the French Revolution (1789)

noun plural -aries

  1. a person who advocates or engages in revolution


  1. relating to or characteristic of a revolution
  2. advocating or engaged in revolution
  3. radically new or differenta revolutionary method of making plastics
  4. rotating or revolving

1774; see revolution + -ary. As a noun, from 1850 (cf revolutionist).

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