

  1. of or relating to the North or South Pole.
  2. of or relating to the pole of any sphere, a magnet, an electric cell, etc.
  3. opposite in character or action: The two have personalities that are polar.
  4. capable of ionizing, as NaCl, HCl, or NaOH; electrolytic; heteropolar.
  5. central; pivotal: the polar provision of the treaty.
  6. analogous to the polestar as a guide; guiding: a polar precept.


  1. situated at or near, coming from, or relating to either of the earth’s poles or the area inside the Arctic or Antarctic Circlespolar regions
  2. having or relating to a pole or poles
  3. pivotal or guiding in the manner of the Pole Star
  4. directly opposite, as in tendency or character
  5. chem
    1. Also: heteropolar(of a molecule or compound) being or having a molecule in which there is an uneven distribution of electrons and thus a permanent dipole momentwater has polar molecules
    2. (of a crystal or substance) being or having a crystal that is bound by ionic bondssodium chloride forms polar crystals

1550s, from Middle French polaire (16c.) or directly from Medieval Latin polaris “of or pertaining to the poles,” from Latin polus “an end of an axis” (see pole (n.2)). Meaning “directly opposite in character or tendency” is attested from 1832. Polar bear first recorded 1781.


  1. Of or relating to a pole.
  2. Having poles. Used of certain nerve cells having one or more processes.

  1. Relating to a pole, such as the pole of a magnet or one of the electrodes of an electrolytic cell.
  2. Relating to the North Pole or the South Pole of Earth, or analogous regions of another planet.
  3. Relating to a molecule or substance that has polar bonds.
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