
  1. variant of ad- before p: appear.

  1. variant of apo- before a vowel or h: aphelion.


  1. a variant of apo- aphelion

patronymic prefix in Welsh names, earlier map “son,” cognate with Gaelic mac. Since 17c. merged into surnames (Ap Rhys = Price, Ap Evan = Bevan, etc.).

It is said that a Welshman who evidently was not willing to be surpassed in length of pedigree, when making out his genealogical tree, wrote near the middle of his long array of ‘aps’ — “about this time Adam was born.” [“Origin and Significance of our Names,” “The Chautauquan,” Oct. 1887-July 1888]


form of Latin ad- before words beginning in -p-; see ad-.

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