
noun, plural ap·pen·dix·es, ap·pen·di·ces [uhpen-duh-seez] /əˈpɛn dəˌsiz/.

  1. supplementary material at the end of a book, article, document, or other text, usually of an explanatory, statistical, or bibliographic nature.
  2. an appendage.
  3. Anatomy.
    1. a process or projection.
    2. vermiform appendix.
  4. Aeronautics. the short tube at the bottom of a balloon bag, by which the intake and release of buoyant gas is controlled.

noun plural -dices (-dɪˌsiːz) or -dixes

  1. a body of separate additional material at the end of a book, magazine, etc, esp one that is documentary or explanatory
  2. any part that is dependent or supplementary in nature or function; appendage
  3. anatomy See vermiform appendix

proper Latin plural of appendix.


1540s, “subjoined addition to a document or book,” from Latin appendix “an addition, continuation, something attached,” from appendere (see append). Used for “small outgrowth of an internal organ” from 1610s, especially in reference to the vermiform appendix. This sense perhaps from or influenced by French appendix, where the term was in use from 1540s.

n. pl. ap•pen•dix•es

  1. A supplementary or an accessory part of an organ or a structure of the body.
  2. The vermiform appendix.

Plural appendixes appendices (ə-pĕn-dĭ-sēz′)

  1. A tubular projection attached to the cecum of the large intestine and located on the lower right side of the abdomen. Also called vermiform appendix

A small saclike organ located at the upper end of the large intestine. The appendix has no known function in present-day humans, but it may have played a role in the digestive system in humans of earlier times. The appendix is also called the vermiform appendix because of its wormlike (“vermiform”) shape.

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