

  1. something subordinate to another, more important thing; adjunct; accessory.
  2. Law. a right, privilege, or improvement belonging to and passing with a principal property.
  3. appurtenances, apparatus; instruments.


  1. a secondary or less significant thing or part
  2. (plural) accessories or equipment
  3. property law a minor right, interest, or privilege which passes when the title to the principal property is transferred

“apparatus, gear,” late 14c.; see appurtenance.


c.1300, “right, privilege or possession subsidiary to a principal one,” from Anglo-French apurtenance (12c.), Old French apartenance, present participle of apartenir “be related to,” from Latin appertinere “to pertain to,” from ad- “to” (see ad-) + pertinere “belong to” (see pertain).

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