
[ad_1] noun Chiefly British.
  1. arbor1.


  1. a leafy, shady recess formed by tree branches, shrubs, etc.
  2. a latticework bower intertwined with climbing vines and flowers.
  3. Obsolete. a grass plot; lawn; garden; orchard.


  1. a leafy glade or bower shaded by trees, vines, shrubs, etc, esp when trained about a trellis
  2. obsolete an orchard, garden, or lawn


  1. the US spelling of arbour


  1. a rotating shaft in a machine or power tool on which a milling cutter or grinding wheel is fitted
  2. a rotating shaft or mandrel on which a workpiece is fitted for machining
  3. metallurgy a part, piece, or structure used to reinforce the core of a mould

chiefly British English spelling of arbor (q.v.); for spelling, see -or.


c.1300, herber, “herb garden,” from Old French erbier “field, meadow; kitchen garden,” from Latin herba “grass, herb” (see herb). Later “a grassy plot” (early 14c., a sense also in Old French), “a shaded nook” (mid-14c.). Probably not from Latin arbor “tree,” though perhaps influenced by its spelling.

The change from er- to ar- before consonants in Middle English also reflects a pronunciation shift: cf. farm from ferme, harbor from Old English herebeorg.

n. pl. ar•bo•res (ärbə-rēz′)

  1. A treelike anatomical structure.
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