

assibilate [uh-sib-uh-leyt]Phonetics Word Origin verb (used with object), as·sib·i·lat·ed, as·sib·i·lat·ing.

  1. to change into or pronounce with the accompaniment of a sibilant sound or sounds.

verb (used without object), as·sib·i·lat·ed, as·sib·i·lat·ing.

  1. to change by assibilation.
  2. to become a sibilant or a sound containing a sibilant.

Origin of assibilate 1835–45; Latin assībilātus murmured, whispered at, hissed (past participle of assībilāre). See as-, sibilate Related formsas·sib·i·la·tion, nounun·as·sib·i·lat·ed, adjective British Dictionary definitions for assibilate assibilate verb phonetics

  1. (intr) (of a speech sound) to be changed into a sibilant
  2. (tr) to pronounce (a speech sound) with or as a sibilant

Derived Formsassibilation, nounWord Origin for assibilate C19: from Late Latin assībilāre to hiss at, from sībilāre to hiss; see sibilant

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