

aurar [oi-rahr] noun

  1. plural of eyrir.

eyrir [ey-reer] noun, plural au·rar [oi-rahr] /ˈɔɪ rɑr/.

  1. an aluminum bronze coin of Iceland, the 100th part of a króna.

Origin of eyrir 1925–30; Icelandic; Old Norse: ounce, unit of money (cognate with Swedish öre) Latin aureus golden British Dictionary definitions for aurar aurar noun

  1. the plural of eyrir

eyrir noun plural aurar (ˈɔːrɑː)

  1. an Icelandic monetary unit worth one hundredth of a krona

Word Origin for eyrir Old Norse: ounce (of silver), money; related to Latin aureus golden

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