

aurum [awr-uh m] ExamplesWord Origin noun Chemistry.

  1. gold. Symbol: Au

Origin of aurum 1490–1500; Latin: gold Examples from the Web for aurum Historical Examples of aurum

  • The basis of this preparation is the aurum musivum, or bisulphuret of tin.

    Cooley’s Practical Receipts, Volume II

    Arnold Cooley

  • It was collected every four years, whence the aurum lustrale.

    A Manual of Ancient History

    A. H. L. (Arnold Hermann Ludwig) Heeren

  • Thus, aurum denotes the same idea in Latin, and or in French.

    English Grammar in Familiar Lectures

    Samuel Kirkham

  • Nothing can be more unlike than gold, χρυσος, and aurum; than silver and argentum; than ferrum and σιδηρος.

    The Archaeology and Prehistoric Annals of Scotland

    Daniel Wilson

  • The gold bronze is usually made of Dutch gold (an alloy of copper and zinc) and of the bisulphide of tin (aurum musivum).

    Scientific American, Vol. XXXVII.–No. 2. [New Series.], July 14, 1877


  • British Dictionary definitions for aurum aurum noun

    1. obsolete gold

    Word Origin for aurum C16: Latin aurum in Medicine aurum [ôr′əm] n.

    1. Gold.
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