

author [aw-ther] EXAMPLES|WORD ORIGIN noun a person who writes a novel, poem, essay, etc.; the composer of a literary work, as distinguished from a compiler, translator, editor, or copyist. the literary production or productions of a writer: to find a passage in an author. the maker of anything; creator; originator: the author of a new tax plan. Computers. the writer of a software program, especially a hypertext or multimedia application. verb (used with object) to write; be the author of: He authored a history of the Civil War. to originate; create a design for: She authored a new system for teaching chemistry.

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  • Origin of author 1250–1300; earlier auct(h)or Latin auctor writer, progenitor, equivalent to aug(ēre) to increase, augment + -tor -tor; replacing Middle English auto(u)r Anglo-French, for Old French autor Latin, as aboveRelated formsau·tho·ri·al [aw-thawr-ee-uh l, aw-thohr-] /ɔˈθɔr i əl, ɔˈθoʊr-/, adjectiveau·thor·less, adjectivemul·ti·au·thored, adjectivepro·au·thor, adjective Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019 Examples from the Web for authorial Contemporary Examples of authorial

  • I think when you move from novel to TV script, you lose your authorial voice.

    Philippa Gregory: How I Write

    Noah Charney

    July 24, 2013

  • To her great credit, Sally was as adamant about my authorial freedom as Ben was, until last week.

    Jeff Himmelman: The Storm Over My Ben Bradlee Book, ‘Yours in Truth’

    Jeff Himmelman

    May 14, 2012

  • Historical Examples of authorial

  • It would seem as if the opening of his authorial vein in this book had freed him for a long time from bad blood.

    Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature – 5. The Romantic School in France

    Georg Brandes

  • For even at that early time in his authorial life, Pierre, however vain of his fame, was not at all proud of his paper.

    Pierre; or The Ambiguities

    Herman Melville

  • I will now proceed with the self-imposed duty of recording my authorial performances.

    My Life as an Author

    Martin Farquhar Tupper

  • Other forms of authorial homage are to be met with in the way of complimentary photographs, and oil or water-colour portraits.

    My Life as an Author

    Martin Farquhar Tupper

  • However, that in my authorial fashion I have tried, let the following paper prove; written and published nearly thirty years ago.

    My Life as an Author

    Martin Farquhar Tupper

  • British Dictionary definitions for authorial author noun a person who composes a book, article, or other written workRelated adjective: auctorial a person who writes books as a profession; writer the writings of such a personreviewing a postwar author an originator or creatorthe author of this plan verb (tr) to write or originate Derived Formsauthorial (ɔːˈθɔːrɪəl), adjectiveWord Origin for author C14: from Old French autor, from Latin auctor author, from augēre to increase Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Word Origin and History for authorial adj.

    1796, from author (n.) + -al (1).

    author n.

    c.1300, autor “father,” from Old French auctor, acteor “author, originator, creator, instigator (12c., Modern French auteur), from Latin auctorem (nominative auctor) “enlarger, founder, master, leader,” literally “one who causes to grow,” agent noun from auctus, past participle of augere “to increase” (see augment). Meaning “one who sets forth written statements” is from late 14c. The -t- changed to -th- 16c. on mistaken assumption of Greek origin.

    …[W]riting means revealing onesself to excess …. This is why one can never be alone enough when one writes, why even night is not night enough. … I have often thought that the best mode of life for me would be to sit in the innermost room of a spacious locked cellar with my writing things and a lamp. Food would be brought and always put down far away from my room, outside the cellar’s outermost door. The walk to my food, in my dressing gown, through the vaulted cellars, would be my only exercise. I would then return to my table, eat slowly and with deliberation, then start writing again at once. And how I would write! From what depths I would drag it up! [Franz Kafka] author v.

    1590s, from author (n.). Revived 1940s, chiefly U.S. Related: Authored; authoring.

    Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper

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