


  1. Jewelry.
    1. a rectangular shape given to a small gem, especially a diamond, by cutting and polishing.
    2. a gem having this shape.
  2. Architecture. a small convex molding, especially one of semicircular section.
  3. a long, narrow loaf of French bread.


  1. a narrow French stick loaf
  2. a small gem cut as a long rectangle
  3. the shape of such a gem
  4. architect a small moulding having a semicircular cross section

1727, a type of architectural ornament, from French baguette (16c.), from Italian bacchetta, literally “a small rod,” diminutive of bacchio “rod,” from Latin baculum “a stick” (see bacillus). Meaning “a diamond cut long” is from 1926; that of “a long, thin loaf of French bread” is from 1958.

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