

verb (used with object), be·at·i·fied, be·at·i·fy·ing.

  1. to make blissfully happy.
  2. Roman Catholic Church. to declare (a deceased person) to be among the blessed and thus entitled to specific religious honor.

verb -fies, -fying or -fied

  1. (tr) RC Church (of the pope) to declare formally that (a deceased person) showed a heroic degree of holiness in his or her life and therefore is worthy of public veneration: the first step towards canonization
  2. (tr) to make extremely happy

1530s, “to make very happy,” from Middle French béatifer, from Late Latin beatificare “make happy, make blessed,” from Latin beatus “supremely happy, blessed” (past participle of beare “to make happy, to bless”) + -ficare, from stem of facere “to make, do” (see factitious). The Roman Catholic Church sense of “to pronounce as being in heavenly bliss” (1620s) is the first step toward canonization. Related: Beatified; beatifying.

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