

noun (used with a singular or plural verb)

  1. a device for producing a strong current of air, consisting of a chamber that can be expanded to draw in air through a valve and contracted to expel it through a tube.
  2. anything resembling or suggesting bellows in form, as the collapsible part of a camera or enlarger.
  3. the lungs.


  1. George Wesley,1882–1925, U.S. painter and lithographer.

verb (used without object)

  1. to emit a hollow, loud, animal cry, as a bull or cow.
  2. to roar; bawl: bellowing with rage.

verb (used with object)

  1. to utter in a loud deep voice: He bellowed his command across the room.


  1. an act or sound of bellowing.

noun (functioning as singular or plural)

  1. Also called: pair of bellows an instrument consisting of an air chamber with flexible sides or end, a means of compressing it, an inlet valve, and a constricted outlet that is used to create a stream of air, as for producing a draught for a fire or for sounding organ pipes
  2. photog a telescopic light-tight sleeve, connecting the lens system of some cameras to the body of the instrument
  3. a flexible corrugated element used as an expansion joint, pump, or means of transmitting axial motion


  1. (intr) to make a loud deep raucous cry like that of a bull; roar
  2. to shout (something) unrestrainedly, as in anger or pain; bawl


  1. the characteristic noise of a bull
  2. a loud deep sound, as of pain or anger


  1. Saul . 1915–2005, US novelist, born in Canada. His works include Dangling Man (1944), The Adventures of Angie March (1954), Herzog (1964), Humboldt’s Gift (1975), The Dean’s December (1981), and Ravelstein (2000): Nobel prize for literature 1976

c.1200, belwes, literally “bags,” plural of belu, belw, northern form of beli, from late Old English belg “bag, purse, leathern bottle” (see belly (n.)). Reduced from blæstbælg, literally “blowing bag.” Used exclusively in plural since 15c., probably due to the two handles.


apparently from Old English bylgan “to bellow,” from PIE root *bhel- (4) “to sound, roar.” Originally of animals, especially cows and bulls; used of human beings since c.1600. Related: Bellowed; bellowing. As a noun from 1779.

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