

  1. covered with or yielding berries.
  2. of or like a berry; baccate.
  3. (of lobsters, crayfish, etc.) having eggs.

noun, plural ber·ries.

  1. any small, usually stoneless, juicy fruit, irrespective of botanical structure, as the huckleberry, strawberry, or hackberry.
  2. Botany. a simple fruit having a pulpy pericarp in which the seeds are embedded, as the grape, gooseberry, currant, or tomato.
  3. a dry seed or kernel, as of wheat.
  4. the hip of the rose.
  5. one of the eggs of a lobster, crayfish, etc.
  6. the berries, Older Slang. someone or something very attractive or unusual.

verb (used without object), ber·ried, ber·ry·ing.

  1. to gather or pick berries: We went berrying this morning.
  2. to bear or produce berries.

noun plural -ries

  1. any of various small edible fruits such as the blackberry and strawberry
  2. botany an indehiscent fruit with two or more seeds and a fleshy pericarp, such as the grape or gooseberry
  3. any of various seeds or dried kernels, such as a coffee bean
  4. the egg of a lobster, crayfish, or similar animal

verb -ries, -rying or -ried (intr)

  1. to bear or produce berries
  2. to gather or look for berries


  1. (ˈbɛrɪ) Chuck, full name Charles Edward Berry . born 1926, US rock-and-roll guitarist, singer, and songwriter. His frequently covered songs include “Maybellene” (1955), “Roll Over Beethoven” (1956), “Johnny B. Goode” (1958), “Memphis, Tennessee” (1959), and “Promised Land” (1964)
  2. (French bɛri) Jean de France (ʒɑ̃ də frɑ̃s), Duc de. 1340–1416, French prince, son of King John II; coregent (1380–88) for Charles VI and a famous patron of the arts

Old English berie, from Proto-Germanic *basjom (cf. Old Norse ber, Middle Dutch bere, German Beere “berry;” Old Saxon winber, Gothic weinabasi “grape”), of unknown origin. This and apple are the only native fruit names.

  1. A simple fruit that has many seeds in a fleshy pulp. Grapes, bananas, tomatoes, and blueberries are berries. Compare drupe pome. See more at simple fruit.
  2. A seed or dried kernel of certain kinds of grain or other plants such as wheat, barley, or coffee.
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