

  1. any tree or shrub of the genus Betula, comprising species with a smooth, laminated outer bark and close-grained wood.Compare birch family.
  2. the wood itself.
  3. a birch rod, or a bundle of birch twigs, used especially for whipping.


  1. birchen.

verb (used with object)

  1. to beat or punish with or as if with a birch: The young ruffians were birched soundly by their teacher.


  1. any betulaceous tree or shrub of the genus Betula, having thin peeling barkSee also silver birch
  2. the hard close-grained wood of any of these trees
  3. the birch a bundle of birch twigs or a birch rod used, esp formerly, for flogging offenders


  1. of, relating to, or belonging to the birch
  2. consisting or made of birch


  1. (tr) to flog with a birch

Old English berc, beorc (also the name of the rune for “b”), from Proto-Germanic *berkjon (cf. Old Saxon birka, Old Norse börk, Danish birk, Swedish björk, Middle Dutch berke, Dutch berk, Old High German birihha, German Birke), from PIE *bhergo (cf. Ossetian barz, Old Church Slavonic breza, Russian bereza, Lithuanian beržas, Sanskrit bhurjah, Latin farnus, fraxinus “mountain ash”), from root *bhereg- “to gleam, white.” Meaning “bunch of birch twigs used for flogging” (1640s) led to verb meaning “to flog” (1830). Related: Birched; birching. Birch beer is by 1827, American English.

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