

  1. confounded: The blamed car won’t start.


  1. confoundedly; excessively: It’s blamed cold out tonight.

verb (used with object), blamed, blam·ing.

  1. to hold responsible; find fault with; censure: I don’t blame you for leaving him.
  2. to place the responsibility for (a fault, error, etc.) (usually followed by on): I blame the accident on her.
  3. Informal. blast; damn (used as a mild curse): Blame the rotten luck.


  1. an act of attributing fault; censure; reproof: The judge said he found nothing to justify blame in the accident.
  2. responsibility for anything deserving of censure: We must all share the blame for this deplorable condition.
  1. to blame, at fault; censurable: I am to blame for his lateness.

adjective, adverb

  1. mainly US a euphemistic word for damned (def. 2), damned (def. 3)


  1. responsibility for something that is wrong or deserving censure; culpability
  2. an expression of condemnation; reproof
  3. be to blame to be at fault or culpable

verb (tr)

  1. (usually foll by for) to attribute responsibility to; accuseI blame him for the failure
  2. (usually foll by on) to ascribe responsibility for (something) toI blame the failure on him
  3. to find fault with

“confoundedly” 1833, later also as an adjective, from past participle of blame (v.), as a “euphemistic evasion of the horrible word damn.” [Bartlett, “Dictionary of Americanisms,” 1848].

This adjective ‘blamed’ is the virtuous oath by which simple people, who are improving their habits, cure themselves of a stronger epithet. [Edward Everett Hale, “If, Yes, and Perhaps,” 1868]

Cf. also blamenation (1837) as an expletive. The imprecation blame me is attested from 1830.


c.1200, “find fault with;” c.1300, “lay blame on,” from Old French blasmer (12c., Modern French blâmer) “to rebuke, reprimand, condemn, criticize,” from Vulgar Latin *blastemare, from Late Latin blasphemare “revile, reproach” (see blaspheme). Replaced Old English witan with long “i.” Related: Blamed; blaming.


early 13c., from Old French blasme “blame, reproach; condemnation,” a back-formation from blasmer (see blame (v.)).

see lay (the blame) on; to blame.

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