

  1. a globule of liquid; bubble.
  2. a small lump, drop, splotch, or daub: A blob of paint marred the surface.
  3. an object, especially a large one, having no distinct shape or definition: a blob on the horizon.
  4. a dull, slow-witted, and uninteresting person.

verb (used with object), blobbed, blobĀ·bing.

  1. to mark or splotch with blobs.


  1. a soft mass or drop, as of some viscous liquid
  2. a spot, dab, or blotch of colour, ink, etc
  3. a indistinct or shapeless form or object
  4. a slang word for condom

verb blobs, blobbing or blobbed

  1. (tr) to put blobs, as of ink or paint, on

“drop, globule,” 1725, from a verb meaning “to make or mark with blobs” (early 15c.), perhaps related to bubble. The same word was used 16c. in a sense “bubble, blister.”

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