blow one’s cork


  1. the outer bark of an oak, Quercus suber, of Mediterranean countries, used for making stoppers for bottles, floats, etc.
  2. Also called cork oak. the tree itself.
  3. something made of cork.
  4. a piece of cork, rubber, or the like used as a stopper, as for a bottle.
  5. Angling. a small float to buoy up a fishing line or to indicate that a fish is biting.
  6. Also called phellem, suber. Botany. an outer tissue of bark produced by and exterior to the phellogen.

verb (used with object)

  1. to provide or fit with cork or a cork.
  2. to stop with or as if with a cork (often followed by up).
  3. to blacken with burnt cork.
  1. blow/pop one’s cork, Informal. to lose one’s temper; release one’s emotional or physical tension.


  1. a county of SW Republic of Ireland, in Munster province: crossed by ridges of low mountains; scenic coastline. County town: Cork. Pop: 447 829 (2002). Area: 7459 sq km (2880 sq miles)
  2. a city and port in S Republic of Ireland, county town of Co Cork, at the mouth of the River Lee: seat of the University College of Cork (1849). Pop: 186 239 (2002)


  1. the thick light porous outer bark of the cork oak, used widely as an insulator and for stoppers for bottles, casks, etc
  2. a piece of cork or other material used as a stopper
  3. an angling float
  4. Also called: phellem botany a protective layer of dead impermeable cells on the outside of the stems and roots of woody plants, produced by the outer layer of the cork cambium


  1. made of corkRelated adjective: suberose

verb (tr)

  1. to stop up (a bottle, cask, etc) with or as if with a cork; fit with a cork
  2. (often foll by up) to restrainto cork up the emotions
  3. to black (the face, hands, etc) with burnt cork

c.1300, from Spanish alcorque “cork sole,” probably via Arabic and ultimately from Latin quercus “oak” (see Quercus) or cortex (genitive corticis) “bark” (see corium).

place in Ireland, anglicized from Irish Corcaigh, from corcach “marsh.”


1570s, “to put a cork sole on a shoe,” from cork (n.)). Meaning “to stop with a cork” is from 1640s. Related: Corked; corking.

  1. The outermost layer of tissue in woody plants that is resistant to the passage of water vapor and gases and that becomes the bark. Cork is secondary tissue, formed on the outside of the tissue layer known as cork cambium. The cell walls of cork cells contain suberin. Once they mature, cork cells die. Also called phellem
  2. The lightweight, elastic outer bark of the cork oak, which grows near the Mediterranean Sea. Cork is used for bottle stoppers, insulation, and other products.
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