

  1. rough and noisy; noisily jolly or rowdy; clamorous; unrestrained: the sound of boisterous laughter.
  2. (of waves, weather, wind, etc.) rough and stormy.
  3. Obsolete. rough and massive.


  1. noisy and lively; unrestrained or unruly
  2. (of the wind, sea, etc) turbulent or stormy

late 15c., unexplained alteration of Middle English boistous (c.1300) “rough, coarse (as of food), clumsy, violent,” of unknown origin, perhaps from Anglo-French bustous “rough (road),” which is perhaps from Old French boisteos “curved, lame; uneven, rough” (Modern French boiteux), itself of obscure origin. Another guess traces it via Celtic to Latin bestia. Used of persons from 1560s. Related: Boisterously; boisterousness.

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