

  1. a product of simple manual skill, as a plaited leather cord for the neck or a knife sheath, made typically by a camper or a scout.
  2. work of little or no value done merely to keep or look busy.
  3. a project funded by the federal government out of political favoritism that is of no real value to the community or the nation.

verb (used with object), boon·dog·gled, boon·dog·gling.

  1. to deceive or attempt to deceive: to boondoggle investors into a low-interest scheme.

verb (used without object), boon·dog·gled, boon·dog·gling.

  1. to do work of little or no practical value merely to keep or look busy.


  1. (intr) to do futile and unnecessary work


  1. a futile and unnecessary project or work

1935, American English, of uncertain origin, popularized during the New Deal as a contemptuous word for make-work projects for the unemployed. Said to have been a pioneer word for “gadget;” it also was by 1932 a Boy Scout term for a kind of woven braid.

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