born yesterday

born yesterday


  1. brought forth by birth.
  2. possessing from birth the quality, circumstances, or character stated: a born musician; a born fool.
  3. native to the locale stated; immigrated to the present place from the locale stated: a German-born scientist; a Chicago-born New Yorker.


  1. a past participle of bear1.
  1. born yesterday, naive; inexperienced: You can’t fool me with that old trick—I wasn’t born yesterday.


  1. Max . 1882–1970, British nuclear physicist, born in Germany, noted for his fundamental contribution to quantum mechanics: Nobel prize for physics 1954


  1. the past participle (in most passive uses) of bear 1 (def. 4)
  2. was not born yesterday is not gullible or foolish


  1. possessing or appearing to have possessed certain qualities from birtha born musician
    1. being at birth in a particular social status or other condition as specifiedignobly born
    2. (in combination)lowborn
  2. in all one’s born days informal so far in one’s life

Old English boren, alternative past participle of beran (see bear (v.)). Distinction between born and borne is 17c.

see not born yesterday.

In addition to the idioms beginning with born

  • born and bred
  • born under a lucky star
  • born with a silver spoon
  • born yesterday

also see:

  • in all one’s born days
  • not born yesterday
  • to the manner born
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