

Bothe [boh-tuh] Examples noun

  1. Wal·ther [vahl-tuh r] /ˈvɑl tər/, 1891–1957, German physicist: Nobel Prize 1954.

Examples from the Web for bothe Historical Examples of bothe

  • Four or fyue dayes after, they were bothe bydde to dyner in a nother place.

    Shakespeare Jest-Books;


  • Bothe these thinges these mayntayners of massehaunting do want.

    A Treatise of the Cohabitation Of the Faithful with the Unfaithful

    Peter Martyr

  • For howe’er Towne and Gowne may fighte, Yet bothe are true to ye kinge.

    The English Spy

    Bernard Blackmantle

  • So on bothe may learning and honour lighte, Let all men gailie singe.

    The English Spy

    Bernard Blackmantle

  • The persones that haue vsed it / were bothe patriarches / as Abraham.

    The Art or Crafte of Rhetoryke

    Leonard Cox

  • British Dictionary definitions for bothe Bothe noun

    1. Walther (Wilhelm Georg Franz) (ˈvaltər). 1891–1957, German physicist, who developed new methods of detecting subatomic particles. He shared the Nobel prize for physics 1954
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