

Bovet [boh-vey, -vet] Examples noun

  1. Daniel,1907–92, Italian pharmacologist, born in Switzerland: Nobel Prize in Medicine 1957.

Examples from the Web for bovet Historical Examples of bovet

  • Bovet, in his Pandæmonium , gives an account of the Demon of Spraiton, in 1682.

    Cock Lane and Common-Sense

    Andrew Lang

  • British Dictionary definitions for bovet Bovet noun

    1. Daniel . 1907–92, Italian pharmacologist, born in Switzerland, noted for his pioneering work on antihistamine drugs. Nobel prize for physiology or medicine 1957

    bovet in Medicine Bovet [bō-vā′, -vĕt′]Daniel 1907-1992

    1. Swiss-born Italian physiologist. He won a Nobel Prize 1957 for the development of muscle relaxants and the first synthetic antihistamine.
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