

bovver [bov-er] ExamplesWord Origin noun British Slang.

  1. troublemaking or rowdiness by street gang youths.

Origin of bovver 1965–70; representing Cockney pronunciation of bother (noun), probably orig. as a euphemism Examples from the Web for bovver Historical Examples of bovver

  • I want to show the presents Mr. Bovver has sent us from New York—one for each of us.

    Medoline Selwyn’s Work

    Mrs. J. J. Colter

  • British Dictionary definitions for bovver bovver noun

    1. British slang
      1. rowdiness, esp caused by gangs of teenage youths
      2. (as modifier)a bovver boy

    Word Origin for bovver C20: slang pronunciation of bother Word Origin and History for bovver

    1969, Cockney pronunciation of bother “trouble” (q.v.), given wide extended usage in skinhead slang.

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