bow tie

bow tie

bow tie [boh] ExamplesWord Origin noun

  1. a small necktie tied in a bow at the collar.
  2. a sweet roll or Danish pastry having a shape similar to that of a bow tie or butterfly.

Origin of bow tie First recorded in 1910–15 Examples from the Web for bow tie Contemporary Examples of bow tie

  • Here are four bright contenders, from a 12-year-old bow-tie king to a “mini style hacker.”

    Which Preteen Fashion Blogger Will Be Tavi 2.0?

    Justin Jones

    June 16, 2014

  • Garcia looks the part with a high-and-tight haircut, a thin moustache, suspenders, and a bow-tie.

    The Secret Speakeasies of Buenos Aires

    Jeff Campagna

    February 25, 2014

  • Historical Examples of bow tie

  • One of these mommer’s pets in a nobby sack suit—all dolled up in a clean collar an’ a bow-tie an’ grey kid gloves.

    The Definite Object

    Jeffery Farnol

  • British Dictionary definitions for bow tie bow tie noun

    1. a man’s tie tied in a bow, now chiefly in plain black for formal evening wear

    Word Origin and History for bow tie n.

    by 1887, from bow (n.) in the sense “ribbon or other fabric tied in a bow-knot” (by 1874) + tie (n.).

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