

Bramante [bruh-mahn-tey; Italian brah-mahn-te] Examples noun

  1. Do·na·to d’A·gno·lo [daw-nah-taw dah-nyaw-law] /dɔˈnɑ tɔ ˈdɑ nyɔ lɔ/, 1444–1514, Italian architect and painter.

Examples from the Web for bramante Historical Examples of bramante

  • This work he completed in 1499, about the time the great Bramante came to Rome.

    Lucretia Borgia

    Ferdinand Gregorovius

  • On the other hand, Bramante had the duke and duchess on his side.

    Beatrice d’Este, Duchess of Milan, 1475-1497

    Julia Mary Cartwright

  • Few artists have been the subject of more controversy than Bramante.

    Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino, Volume II (of 3)

    James Dennistoun

  • I might consult Bramante, you know, who is also an expert in construction.

    The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci

    Dmitry Sergeyevich Merezhkovsky

  • Adjoining to this is a noble palace built by the famous Bramante.

    The Diary of John Evelyn (Vol 1 of 2)

    John Evelyn

  • British Dictionary definitions for bramante Bramante noun

    1. Donato (doˈnato). ?1444–1514, Italian architect and artist of the High Renaissance. He modelled his designs for domed centrally planned churches on classical Roman architecture
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