

  1. the act of transmitting speech, music, visual images, etc., as by radio or television.
  2. radio or television as a business or profession: She’s training for a career in broadcasting.

verb (used with object), broad·cast or broad·cast·ed, broad·cast·ing.

  1. to transmit (programs) from a radio or television station.
  2. to speak, perform, sponsor, or present on a radio or television program: The president will broadcast his message on all stations tonight.
  3. to cast or scatter abroad over an area, as seed in sowing.
  4. to spread widely; disseminate: She broadcast the good news all over town.
  5. to indicate unwittingly to another (one’s next action); telegraph: He broadcast his punch and the other man was able to parry it.

verb (used without object), broad·cast or broad·cast·ed, broad·cast·ing.

  1. to transmit programs or signals from a radio or television station.
  2. to make something known widely; disseminate something.
  3. to speak, perform, sponsor, or present all or part of a radio or television program: The Boston Symphony Orchestra broadcasts every Saturday on our local station.


  1. something that is broadcast.
  2. a single radio or television program.
  3. the broadcasting of radio or television messages, speeches, etc.
  4. a single period of broadcasting
  5. a method of sowing by scattering seed.


  1. (of programs) transmitted from a radio or television station.
  2. of or relating to broadcasting.
  3. cast abroad or all over an area, as seed scattered widely.


  1. so as to reach the greatest number of people by radio or television: The vital news was sent broadcast to inform the entire nation.
  2. so as to be cast abroad over an area: seed sown broadcast.

verb -casts, -casting, -cast or -casted

  1. to transmit (announcements or programmes) on radio or television
  2. (intr) to take part in a radio or television programme
  3. (tr) to make widely known throughout an areato broadcast news
  4. (tr) to scatter (seed, etc) over an area, esp by hand


    1. a transmission or programme on radio or television
    2. (as modifier)a broadcast signal
    1. the act of scattering seeds
    2. (as modifier)the broadcast method of sowing


  1. dispersed over a wide areabroadcast seeds


  1. far and wideseeds to be sown broadcast

1922, verbal noun from broadcast (v.).

1767, adjective, in reference to the spreading of seed, from broad (adj.) + past participle of cast (v.). Figurative use is recorded from 1785. Modern media use began with radio (1922, adjective and noun). As a verb, recorded from 1813 in an agricultural sense, 1829 in a figurative sense, 1921 in reference to radio.

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