
noun Anatomy.

  1. plural of bronchus.

noun, plural bron·chi [brong-kee, -kahy] /ˈbrɒŋ ki, -kaɪ/. Anatomy.

  1. either of the two main branches of the trachea.


  1. the plural of bronchus

noun plural -chi (-kaɪ)

  1. either of the two main branches of the trachea, which contain cartilage within their walls

1706 (plural bronchi), from Greek bronkhos “the wind pipe” (see bronchial).

n. pl. bron•chi (-kī′, -kē′)

  1. Either of two main branches of the trachea, leading directly to the lungs.

Plural bronchi (brŏngkī′, brŏngkē′)

  1. Either of the two main branches of the trachea that lead to the lungs, where they divide into smaller branches.
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