

< /ˈkæk əˌmɪs əl, -ˌmɪk səl/. Also called bassarisk, ringtail, coon cat. a carnivorous animal, Bassariscus astutus, of Mexico and the southwestern U.S., related to the raccoon but smaller, with a sharper snout and longer tail.

  • civet cat.
  • noun

    1. a catlike omnivorous mammal, Bassariscus astutus, of S North America, related to but smaller than the raccoons: family Procyonidae, order Carnivora (carnivores). It has yellowish-grey fur and a long bushy tail banded in black and white
    2. a related smaller animal, Jentinkia (or Bassariscus) sumichrasti, of Central America
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