


  1. a changing into lime.
  2. Physiology. the deposition of lime or insoluble salts of calcium and magnesium, as in a tissue.
  3. Anatomy, Geology. a calcified formation.
  4. a soil process in which the surface soil is supplied with calcium in such a way that the soil colloids are always close to saturation.
  5. a hardening or solidifying; rigidity: As the conflict developed, there was an increasing calcification of attitudes on both sides.


  1. the process of calcifying or becoming calcified
  2. pathol a tissue hardened by deposition of lime salts
  3. any calcified object or formation


  1. Impregnation with calcium or calcium salts.calcareous infiltration
  2. Hardening, as of tissue, by such impregnation.
  3. A calcified substance or part.

  1. Medicine
    1. The accumulation of calcium or calcium salts in a body tissue. Calcification normally occurs in the formation of bone, but can be deposited abnormally, as in the lungs.
    2. A structure that has undergone calcification.
  2. Geology
    1. The replacement of organic material, especially original hard material such as bone, with calcium carbonate during the process of fossilization.
    2. The accumulation of calcium in certain soils, especially soils of cool temperate regions where leaching takes place very slowly.
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