


  1. the legendary site of King Arthur’s palace and court, possibly near Exeter, England.
  2. any idyllic place or period, especially one of great happiness.
  3. the glamorous ambience of Washington, D.C., during the administration of President John F. Kennedy, 1961–63.


  1. (in Arthurian legend) the English town where King Arthur’s palace and court were situated
  2. (in the US) the supposedly golden age of the presidency of John F. Kennedy, 1961–63

a name first found in medieval French romances; it corresponds to Latin Camuladonum, the Roman forerunner of Colchester, which was an impressive ruin in the Middle Ages. But Malory identifies it with Winchester and Elizabethans tended to see it as Cadbury Castle, an Iron Age hill fort near Glastonbury.

In the legends of King Arthur (see also Arthur), the capital of his kingdom; truth, goodness, and beauty reigned in Camelot.

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